UPS Battery Systems | Replacement & Recycling

Ensuring your UPS Battery System is fit for purpose

Batteries are a critical part of any Uninterruptible Power Supply system. The UPS battery system is the source of the power in the event of a mains power failure, they need testing and maintaining on a regular basis to detect any deterioration.

A badly maintained or old battery can affect your UPS system but unfortunately, without testing them regularly you are only going to find out they don’t work when they fail. Repeated recharging of a battery can lead to battery deterioration resulting in a voltage drop, overheating and/or complete battery failure. These problems not only affect the autonomy of your UPS system but can sometimes cause fires and other accidents. Therefore it is vital that UPS batteries are regularly tested to ensure they are safe and reliable.

Scotts UPS Power Protection will test your UPS batteries and provide replacements if necessary without interrupting your system. We can also provide UPS battery replacement if you are looking to increase or decrease your battery autonomy.

UPS Battery

UPS Battery life

A UPS Battery System can come in various shapes and sizes. To find the right size and number of batteries you require for your UPS system Scotts UPS power Protection look at the load and required backup time.

UPS Batteries typically come with a 5 or 10 year life but all lead acid batteries are susceptible to natural degrading; about 5% a year depending on the type of battery used. This natural decay is caused by metals and acid sharing a single container. Because of this unavoidable decay UPS, batteries need to be tested and maintained to ensure they can and will provide power for the expected time during a mains power failure. If the UPS batteries are not in a good condition then their autonomy will be drastically reduced resulting in an unexpected and unsafe shutdown and possible loss or corruption of data.

Extending the life of your UPS battery

The life of a UPS battery is also affected by the temperature of their operating environment. The optimum operating temperature for a lead-acid battery is 25°C. For every 10° rise in temperature, battery life is halved. Air conditioning units and temperature-compensated chargers in 3- phase UPS units will help, but even with this technology UPS batteries need to be checked and tested every 12 months and fully load-tested every two years.

The right environmental conditions and regular maintenance will extend the life of your UPS batteries but eventually, they will reach the end of their life and need replacing.

Scotts UPS Power Protection offer a scheduled testing and maintenance programme for your UPS batteries to ensure your critical systems receive the backup power they need and your UPS system will work to its full battery autonomy capacity.

If you have any questions about our UPS battery replacement & recycling services, please contact us.